Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hot Sharon Beerbeary Gunshot A Bottle of Beer in 11 secs !!

Sharon Beerbeary Gunshot A Bottle of Beer in 11 secs !!

Cute and adorable, Sharon Beerbeary is back with another round of her Jaz Beer moment. This time she is challenging anyone outside there to bottom up a bottle of beer in the shortest time !! This came after many of the viewers complained that she drank slowly in the earlier episodes.

So now, the pretty Sharon Beerbeary is challenging anyone who can beat her time of 11secs in bottoms up a bottle of her favourite Jaz Beer. Watch the video below.

How Sharon Beerbeary did that ?? ITS QUITE SIMPLE !!

Watch the Beerbeary's solution video below =)

Easy peasy right ? But of course, drink responsibly and dont overdo it. Beer is somehow bad for health..Thank you, Beerbeary for the tips.

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