Tuesday, April 6, 2010

China's Version of Susan Boyle, Cai Hua Tian Ma 菜花甜媽

China's Version of Susan Boyle, Cai Hua Tian Ma 菜花甜媽

Fan of Susan Boyle ? Think that she's the only middle aged woman who can hit high notes like in her famous song I Dreamed a Dream ? Here comes Cai Hua Tian Ma 菜花甜媽 aka Sweet Cauliflower Mama. She sells chicken in a market in Shanghai while singing English gospel song.

Step Aside Susan Boyle, Here Comes Cai Hua Tian Ma 菜花甜媽

She was hitting the Internet wave with lots of China netizens branded her as the China's next Susan Boyle. From the video, you can actually see her hair tied into 2 pig tails and put on a very cute pinkish Hello Kitty apron. I suspect that's her performance costume.

Take 1 - Nina Wang

What was funny is that this video hit the Internet on April 1 and this lady 菜花甜媽 aka Cai Hua Tian Ma was mistaken for the late Hong Kong billionaire, Nina Wang !! Talking bout April Fool ei ! But not la of course, just coincidence.

Take 2 - Cai Hua Tian Ma 菜花甜媽 herself
Even though she is illiterate and has no professional music guidance, this woman hailed from a village in Anhui is able to sing Maria Callas and a few numbers from the ever famous Mariah Carey !! That shows how talented is this woman.

Watch the video傳說中的菜市場天后「菜花甜媽」黑人靈歌演唱會現場LIVE震撼版!and be very surprise with her talent !!

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