Sunday, January 24, 2010

S.H.E. is the One Live in Malaysia 2010- Details and Seating Plan (New Venue Update)

S.H.E. is the One Live in Malaysia Concert 2010,Bukit Jalil National Stadium- March 6

[S.H.E Is The One - Love As One] Malaysia Concert 2010 was initially scheduled to be held in Merdeka Stadium. However the concert has now been changed to Bukit Jalil National Stadium instead as the Merdeka Stadium has been undergoing renovations since last year. As the progress of renovation was unable to meet the standards and requirement of the venue in-charge, renovation works has to be postponed and could not finish in time in March. The venue in-charge also elaborated further that in consideration for safety precaution, the stadium should only hold events after they have been satisfied of its perfect condition!

Earlier on, Galaxy Group has been notified of the changes and hence decided to change the venue for S.H.E's concert to Bukit Jalil National Stadium.

Therefore Galaxy Group, being the official event organiser for [S.H.E Is The One - Love As One] Malaysia Concert 2010, will hold the concert on 6 March 2010, 8 pm in Bukit Jalil National Stadium. There are 6 different price range for the concert tickets, RM398, RM348, RM268, RM198, RM138 and lastly RM98 (last category being free-sitting seats).

 To fans who had earlier purchased tickets priced at RM238, RM198 and RM168, please contact the ticketing authorities of Galaxy Group soonest possible for more information on your ticketing updates at 03-22822020.

More infos here
Seating Plan

Chinese version

继 2008 年周杰伦演唱会和2009 年阿妹演唱会之后,2010 年,银河集团迈向16周年庆,藉着虎年
的威势,首开头炮,把亚洲最具星势的第一女子天团《S.H.E Is The One 爱而为一2010 大马演唱
会 》带来大马!

3月06日(星期六),晚上8時National Stadium (Outdoor), Bukit Jalil,《S.H.E Is The One
愛而為一2010大馬演唱會》火熱引爆 !门票分为:RM398,RM348, RM268, RM198, RM138 (对号入座)以及 RM98 ( 自由入座)。

第三次世界巡迴演唱會也將從十月開始啟動。繼2004年「奇幻樂園」的夢幻風格、 2006年
她們這幾年來的成熟蛻變。演唱會第一站10月16、 17日在香港紅磡起跑, 隨即10月31日

共吸引兩萬人次進場觀賞票房收入吸金3000萬相當風光, 3 個小時演唱有感動淚水及默契

在歌迷引頸盼望中,S.H.E的《S.H.E Is The One 愛而為一2010大馬演唱會》終於來到大馬。
S.H.E 的第三場世界巡演名稱,經由三人和唱片公司、製作單位腦力激蕩後定名為
「S.H.E Is The One 愛而為一」世界巡迴演唱會。針對最近推出的圖文書書名「愛的3溫暖」、
世界巡迴演唱會「愛而為一」分別都以〝愛〞為重點,邁入輕熟女階段的S.H.E是否 從中透露
第三度世界巡演,這應該算破紀錄了吧!?我們三個能一起走到今天 都是因為愛~」

這次的演唱會造型特別從香港請來天后王菲、鄭秀文御用造型師Thomas Chan為三人量身打造,

新巡演除了耗資千萬舞臺預算、百萬港幣 服裝預算,也準備像舞臺無限延伸的概念般,將對

More info here -

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