Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pig Heads Found In 2 Mosques Around Klang Valley, 27th Jan 2010

Forensic placing a pig's head into plastic bag at a mosque in KL.

It was truly shocking to see the sights of pig heads being thrown in the compound of 2 mosque along Jalan Klang Lama, Petaling Jaya on an early morning of Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2010.

This incident comes just days after about a dozen fire-bombing attacks and acts of vandalism were perpetrated on Churches and a Sikh temple in the wake of the “Allah” controversy.

Pigs are considered unclean by the Muslims here and seeing it in the mosque compound is perceived as an insult to them.

Police officials carrying the pig heads that was thrown into the mosque

Mosque officials found what appeared to be two wild boar heads wrapped in plastic bags and surrounded with Ringgit notes around 5.30 am this morning.

The two mosques in question are the Masjid Jumhuriyah in Taman Dato Harun and the Al- Imam Tirmizi mosque at Taman Sri Sentosa.

Separately, Zulkifli Mohamad, the top official at the Sri Sentosa Mosque on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, said men arriving for early morning prayers found two bloodied pigs' heads in plastic bags in the compound.

"We feel this is an evil attempt by some people to aggravate tensions," Mr Zulkifli told The Associated Press.

No-one has been hurt in the series of attacks on various houses of worship since the 31 December court ruling which allowed non-Muslims to use the word Allah as a translation for God.
Police have arrested 19 people in connection with the attacks so far.

Correspondents say some of Malaysia's majority Muslim community suspect Christians of wanting to use the word Allah to encourage Muslims to convert to Christianity.

Analysts say the controversy has been stoked by hard-line elements within Malay Muslim political groups to assert Malay primacy in a shifting political scene.

The government has appealed against the ruling, in contrast to countries like Indonesia, Egypt and Syria where Christian minorities freely use the Arabic word to refer to God.

Articles was extracted from BBC News, Malaysia Kini and The Malaysian Insider

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