Sunday, October 19, 2008

LA Fashion Week

I feel like LA Fashion week is as fake as the tits that inhabit the city. LA Fashion week seems to happen just for the sake of having a fashion week in LA. Sure, La La Land is filled with designers, celebrities, PR firms, and bloggers with nothing better to do with their time than complain about fashion. You would think that the organizers would put a little more effort into making this an event not to be missed. This year, it seemed very phoned-in. Perhaps it’s because this may be the last Los Angeles Fashion Week…?

I suppose some of LA’s hotspot locations were probably in use for the third premier party of Beverley Hills Chihuahua. Fashion Week took place in Culver City. Now, I like Culver City. I think it has some interesting things to do and see, but, right now, with construction off the 405, it is not the most attractive part of LA. (Technically, it’s not even in LA.) Furthermore, Fashion Week took place at Smashbox Studios located in an industrial park. After a show (if you’re one of the many people who’s name got misplaced on the list to go backstage), you’re left dawdling around for forty-five minutes in a warehouse with nothing to do but sip vodka Red Bulls to pass the time. I would’ve loved to hit up a Starbucks or walk around a busy sidewalk because, frankly, I did look fantastic. (Here’s a link to the BeBe dress I wore.)

Additionally, when Lauren Conrad’s bitter classmates volunteer their time to check in guests, it does not make for a happy crowd. With vacant expressions and ill-desire to check the guest list passed the letter “A”, of course, they informed me my name wasn’t on the list. After I used the word “miscommunication”, their befuddled look made it seem I was somewhat intelligent and important and they gave me a standing-ticket to the Samora show.

Her Paris-inspired Spring ’09 designs were such a refreshing site after the stress of actually arriving. Filled with ruffles, pleats, and chiffon, it made me realize that hot pink and lime green can look good together and not be only reminiscent of cheap Easter baskets people buy at CVS. What whetted my appetite were her black and white designs that had that French flair, but, also, vaguely resembled the fashion on Mad Men. Here’s a pic of my fave:

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