Monday, February 25, 2008

ANTM Cycle 10 Off to Predictable Start

So clearly I was in no rush to post about the premiere episode of ANTM Cycle 10. As any loyal fan of the series knows, the first show basically an hour of skinny girls (and a few "plus sizes"...a.k.a. size 6) screaming and running for various reasons-- most of them Tyra Banks. That and there's little to no suspense as to who will be the final group because their photos are already up on the website.
Still, there were a few moments/things worth mentioning before we get down to this week's episode, the "screaming and running into the house," episode.

* Tyra made her entrance on a football field as a bizarrely made-up hysterical valley girl prom queen, with Jael and Amanda and Michelle (the creepy twins from The Shining) in wigs cheerleading. What? (Oh and speaking of Jael, a good friend of mine spotted her in an L.A. club recently. Fully detailed report coming soon.)
* Somalian Iman-lookalike Fatima announced right off the bat that she'd been a victim of female circumcision, to which faux-hawked aggro lezbot Marvita asks "Does that make you feel like less than a woman?" What irony, considering the dick dangling between her own legs.
* Last season Miss J had an afro that got progressively bigger each episode. The season before it was a flower pin on his lapel. This season it appears he has the girls names velcroed to his shirt.
* Did anyone else notice that one particularly painfully thin girl who didn't make it to the final 14 was not shown in a bikini like the other contestants in her interview? She must have looked severely rugged, cause I saw a hell of a lot of rib cages on this episode.

Immediate conclusions: Stacey Ann is Danielle from Cycle 6, Dominique is a man, and Allison (a.k.a. Sarah Silverman a.k.a. Scout Willis) sucks the most.

P.S. They are casting Cycle 11 right now, so get on that shit (if you happen to be under 26, underweight and have high hopes for a future on the Surreal Life.)

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