Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Call It A Bible

There are plenty of books out there on fashion and beauty, and most of them suck. One that doesn't is PRETTY: The Nylon Book of Beauty

Why is it great? Think of anyone famous you ever thought looked cool. You can look them up in this book and find tips on products and techniques to use to achieve their look. It's also divided by decade, and includes everyone from Grace Jones to Courtney Love. The photos are gorgeous and glossy and they aren't sucking up to any one brand as far as what they recommend using. They also consider things such as "Courtney was pretty broke when she looked like this, so she probably used this shade of Wet n' Wild...."

Nylon is the magazine to read if you have any sense of daring whatsoever in terms of personal style. The artwork is always excellent and as a whole it never ceases to inspire me to create something or blow money on my appearance.

It's $9.95 to subscribe for 10 issues. Actually, right now you also get 3 free issues and a t-shirt with the Nylon logo on it. Being a complete shwag-whore, the free t-shirt totally sold me.
Did you know Nylon is also selling a line of t-shirts at Urban Outfitters? They're by various artists and the girl ones are cute (my favorite is the gray with the bunny.) However, the guy ones are a little bit heinous.

(Shout out: Michelle who gave me the awesome book.)

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